Aung San Suu Kyi

If you are paying attention to the news, your head must be spinning as you try to follow the recent events in Burma. If things continue to move in the direction of openness, we can begin to dream of a free Burma one day. This will open up not only economic opportunities (China is on the ground already) but also many other channels for charity and religious work. I have personally prayed for Burma for many years now and am moderately optimistic about the future there.

And who should we thank for these incredible turn of events? A 66-year-old lady with sad eyes and steely resolve, who was willing to spend most of the last 20 years of her life under house arrest, leaving her husband back, who would eventually die without getting another chance to see her, and her children, who grew up without their mom. How in the world could anyone have the strength to do this? Some credit her religion, others her patriotism. Some say it is the hunger for power or the desire to be a martyr. I have no idea what it is but on a human level I admire this woman. And soon you will be able to see her story on the big screen. Read about it here.

Ivanildo C. Trindade